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Ayansh N - , NYOctober 11, 2022

My shower looks beautiful, and the price was very good compared to the fitter company.

Christina - , NYOctober 11, 2022

We renovated the bathroom with shower panels. Their service was professional and friendly from design to installation. It was a pleasure dealing with them, and we would recommend the company to anybody.

Schmidt W - , NYOctober 11, 2022

Shower panels direct redesigned and refitted my bathroom, including installing underfloor heating. They made the process really easy throughout and their fitter did fantastic work making my new bathroom look really smart. I would fully recommend them, and it was cheaper than I thought it would be too!

Linda T - , CTMay 22, 2022

Shower Panels Direct did an amazing job in converting my bath to shower. Incredible service and great prices.

Tom R - , MAApril 13, 2022

These guys are legit. They transformed my bathroom in record time. Their professionalism and prices are unbeatable.

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My shower looks beautiful, and the price was very good compared to the fitter company.
We renovated the bathroom with shower panels. Their service was professional and friendly from design to installation. It was a pleasure dealing with them, and we would recommend the company to any...
Shower panels direct redesigned and refitted my bathroom, including installing underfloor heating. They made the process really easy throughout and their fitter did fantastic work making my new bat...
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